Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 2 and 3

We arrived yesterday around 10:30 a.m. and Brent and Courtney were at the airport waiting for was so good to see them! I think the feeling was mutual as they were so excited to see faces from home and we talked nonstop the hour drive to the orphanage. It was so cool to hear from them the work that God is doing here and the work that He is doing individually in their lives through this experience.

Once we got to the center the children were all eating lunch so we unpacked our things and waited for the opportunity to meet them. Here's a picture of our humble abode.....
Check out the twin beds :) The ministry team here have been so very gracious to make us feel welcome and provide for us. They are an amazing and selfless group of people whom have devoted their lives to these children and this community and I can't wait to share some more about them.

Oh my goodness...the children. I did not know it was possible to fall in love so fast. These kids are beautiful and loving and have captured mine and Jason's heart. I cannot wait to share all about them. We spent the afternoon with them just trying to get to know one another. These children have faced unfathomable situations and they are happy and well adjusted...a testament to the work of the staff and caregivers. It deserves being said again...the people that care for these children are AMAZING and are a model to living a life of sacrifice.

After spending some time with the kids, we went with Brent and Courtney to an African Braai (Barbecue). It was such an encouragement to us and evidence again of how faithful God is to provide for us. Within their first couple of weeks here, they found a church that they loved and immediately joined what they call a cell group. It was such an encouragement to meet these people...all in their mid 20's and all passionate about their faith and their walk with Christ. This is Brent and Courtney's last week here so before we left they all joined around them and prayed for them and asked God to grow and multiply the work that they have done here. They have been a tremendous blessing and support to them while here and so cool for us to see people their age earnestly and without apology walking out a faith that is alive and active.
After that, we came back to the orphanage and attempted to sleep (they have a crazy rooster that cock a doodles all night). This morning we had a time of prayer and worship with the entire ministry team. It was a little piece of what I imagine Heaven to be. Many of the caregivers are Zulu so the majority of our songs and prayer were in a language I could not understand. I closed my eyes and drank it all awe of the One whom is worthy of worship from every tribe, every tongue and every color. It was a sacred moment and one I will not forget. I was especially moved by one of the elderly women that is a caretaker here. She was holding Seth, a little boy only 7 months old, left as an orphan with HIV. She sang praise to God as she lovingly held that little boy close to her heart. She was such a picture of Jesus...and such a picture of the stark reality for many of the people here.

Later on, we went to a training for one of the schools. It was a puppet show for children ages 3 to 11 educating them of the care that must be taken with the AIDS virus. Here are a few of the kids from the is actually a school that is a part of the ministry here that consists of some of the kids from the community but they also pick up some of the children from the child-headed households in Sweetwaters...
It was extremely eye-opening to hear a three year old speak of death and AIDS. My own children have never heard of this disease and to be honest I've never really given it much thought myself until now. But it is everyday life for these children. It is devastating and has robbed many of them of almost everything.

So many people from back home were so kind to send things for the kids. We actually had to check 2 extra very big suitcases just to get it all here...It's wintertime here so we gave them hats this afternoon. These children are so very appreciative and grateful....and i'll say it again, BEAUTIFUL. The crazy (in a good way) knitting women of Hot Heads went to work big time to get me hats and sent us with many, many hats for the children. They were so very excited and kept asking..."For me? Just for me? I get to keep it?" I'll leave you with some funny pics of some of the kids....and I thought it was hard to get my three to all look at the camera....

If you're wondering what the polka dot vests are, they are fleece. The orphanage does not have heat and it is a way to keep the children warm. I must get sleep...South Africa is 7 hours ahead of back home which makes it 1:00 a.m. for me here! Can't wait to share with you tomorrow...


  1. Yeah! you guys made it. so excited for you and for the children and others you will be ministering to. can't wait to hear more. now i am addicted to two blogs-yours and the kisses form katie:)

  2. So thankful you are able to update. Spent time praying for you guys today. I love you.

  3. So glad that ya'll are there safe and sound! Love all the cute hats for the kids! And you're right...the kids are BEAUTIFUL!! Love hearing everything God is doing there!

  4. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Praying for y'all!! Love the updates and can't wait to hear more!! Love u!

  5. thanks for updating! I love to hear how God is moving in and through Brent and Courtney, and you guys! those kids are gorgeous! spent some time with Lyndsey today on her birthday praying for yall.
