Monday, December 6, 2010

Inside the community of Sweetwaters...

At first glance the community of Sweetwaters is a beautiful town tucked amidst lush rolling green hills. It is estimated that the population of this community is somewhere around 100,000 people. I have found it to be a place full of gracious and beautiful people. However, it is also a place of extreme darkness, death and poverty. This community is considered the very epicenter of the AIDS pandemic for South Africa with an estimated 50% of the population being either HIV positive or full blown AIDS. It is beyond my ability to be able to put into words the destruction that this disease has created.

We went back into the community today to do home visits with Zanele...
I am almost certain that I will never in my lifetime meet a person as selfless as this woman. Zanele has worked with Tabitha ministries for the past ten years. As I have already said, she is Tabitha's central person living in the community...she oversees all the Zulu mobile moms and hospice caregivers, food distribution in the community, training and programs for the children at the community center, has 26 additional children living with her at the shelter, and makes daily visits to the sick and child-headed households herself. Before we met up with her today, she had spent the entire morning at court trying to get justice for a 7 year old girl of the community that had been raped only to watch the perpetrator walk free again.

Waiting outside the house of the first patient, we learned that the person had just passed away this week. Mama Gail expected such because when we walked up some of the boys were in the yard preparing a spot for burial.
Walking up to the second house we found it empty...
A neighbor saw us and came to tell Zanele that this man had passed away this week as well...
and this is where this man spent his last days...

We found this house completely locked up with a patient on the inside that we were unable to get to...
Gail says it is not uncommon for family members to be left like this to some instances when the person is in the last stages of death, they are moved outside to await their death as a way of coping and separating them from the rest of the family.

The community of Sweetwaters is broken up into 9 different areas...currently Tabitha ministries only works in 4 of those...just this past week alone in the 4 areas that Tabitha ministers to, there were 140 deaths...which leads to why so many children are left abandoned...

This is a typical child-headed household...
The children's mother and father are buried right outside of the front door. Within these four walls lives a 14 year old girl, 9 year old twins and a six year old...

Please pray for the people of Sweetwaters...that the hope of Jesus Christ would permeate and pour out over these hills...please pray also for Zanele and the ministry that God would continue to strengthen and go before them...

As I type this I cannot help but think of the 30 children that are sleeping in the room down the hall from me right now...all miracles that the Lord redeemed from the community of Sweetwaters. I have a deep gratitude knowing that nothing is impossible for my God. He rescues and redeems and loves with a love that is beyond all comprehension...

"And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Acts 2:21


  1. Brandy,
    I am overwhelmed by your post today. When I read the number of deaths that have occurred in the past week, I had a hard time trying to comprehend it all. It is so easy to pretend like things like this aren't happening or that it really doesn't affect us, but as believers, I know we are called to more. I am in awe of how you and Jason are allowing God to penetrate your lives and be used by HIm. Your faith and courage are inspiring. Praying for you and the team...may God bless you and keep you safe. Love, Jennifer Van Norman

  2. wow! amazing seeing the experiences that you are having. love reading your blog. one of the highlights of my day. praying for you and for the people in sweetwater and touched by tabitha ministries. thank you for sharing. you encourage me to look for opportunities to share God's love with others, and to look for the needs around me.

  3. Oh How I wish I was there with you walking those dirt roads and loving on the precious children and gogos! Remember you carry the presence and power that raised Jesus from death, Speak LIFE over each child and home. Hope to see you and talk when you return, praying power and strength!! Teresa

  4. Oh Brandy, I am going to be praying hard for ya'll! I just know that God is using you so much in this community and with these children.

  5. Love reading your blog! You've opened my eyes to a world I had only heard about. Reading your experiences and the powerful images you've captured has made it a reality. I can see your sweet smile and loving arms embracing these precious people and know without a doubt they feel God's love through you. Sending prayers & love... melinda

  6. hi there. i'm Rachel. i went to sweetwaters two years ago when i did a semester-long stay in south africa. i miss it sometimes, especially when reading posts like this. i am joyful that you got to experience it as well. praying that the Lord continues to use it in your life as He has mine. africa changed me... mostly after i left. nice to "meet" you, and all the best from a sister in Christ. meet you in heaven. :)
